Maternal infant attachment is an integral part of development of the baby and starts soon after birth when mother and infants need close attachment to give the infant the degree of security necessary for optimal emotional and physical development.
The attachment starts after the period of conception and is throughout the antenatal period. Most mothers have strong maternal feelings which helps them to achieve a firm bond of affection with their babies. Failure of this attachment results in Battered baby/ failure to thrive among babies.
Ways in which attachment can occur :
There are variety of ways in which this maternal infant attachment can be positive like the baby following the mother’s eye forming the eye to eye contact and also by mother touching the infant with her fingertips all the parts of body providing tactile stimulation.
Physical contact during breastfeeding and rooming in of baby next to mother provides the best attachment. Facial expression of mothers like smiling, talking etc also provide stimulation for baby.
How to encourage maternal- infant attachment :
The ways by which this attachment can be enhanced is by actively encourage breastfeeding and avoid unnecessary separation of mother and baby. Also encourage mothers to touch, look, feed and take full care of their babies and even for preterm or sick babies, mother should be frequently visiting and handling the baby
What the newborns are capable of doing :
Do not think that the neonates cannot see, hear or taste- this is not true.
After an hours of birth the infant is wide awake, is looking around for a feed and then goes to sleep for few hours and can see, hear and appreciate pain immediately after birth.
Newborns become alert, frown and then gradually try to focus on a red object dangling around 30 cm before them. They are also sensitive to the intensity of light and will shut their eyes tightly if bright light is turned on.
Also they can hear and respond to blinking, jerking their limbs on sounds. It has been found that mothers can speak to their infants and they will respond to mothers voice more than fathers voice.
A 3 day old baby shows preference for sweet and dislike for bitter flavored fluids. He can differentiate smells and can distinguish between his owns mothers and other mothers breast pads. After few days of birth infant can mimic gestures like tongue protrusion, lip protrusions or opening the mouth. Thus a better maternal infant attachment gives a good neurological and behavioral development in later life.
Children first learn about relationship from their parents who are their first teachers. Kids who are loved at home are able to share love and affection with others. Be affectionate with your child – hugging, holding and kissing makes them feel secure and teaches them how to show love for others. It also helps you build a nurturing relationship with them.
As your children grow, continue to share your love with them. It is natural for parents to give baby and toddlers a lot of physical attention, but it is also important to be affectionate with your older children. Spending time with them also lets them to know that you care about them. So do not ignore the older child with the birth of a new baby.
Tell your child that you love them. Just as adults like to hear how much they are loved. Children also need affirmation that their parents cherish them. But at the same time do not heed to all the unjustifiable demands. This will make them dependent, stubborn and socially less adjusting.
Appreciate the special moments in your daily lives. Think of routine tasks as opportunities to bond with your child. Sitting together while reading books can be a time to feel close with your kids. Let them know that you are interested in them by taking time to look at their school papers or asking about their activities. Share in their excitement as they make new discoveries, explore the outdoors or play in mud/sand.
Teach your child how to maintain friendships by setting an example in your own adult relationship. Be loving and respectful with your spouse and your children will learn to act positively towards important people in their lives. Do not overprotect- let them have an opportunity to handle their social interactions and problems, but always supervise them. Listen and talk to your child on a regular basis. Good communication helps relationships grow. It also helps in letting you know the emotional and social difficulties your child is facing. Let your child know that you care about his feelings, and try to give him your full attention at all times. When you listen to your children, they learn how to listen and to manage their emotions.
Spend some one-on-one time alone with each of your children on regular basis. Let them know what makes them special to you. Each child is unique and praising their distinct qualities enhances their sense of self worth. When children feel valued, they are better able to handle problems and conflicts that come up in their lives and are not stressed up. Being part of a loving family helps children feel good about themselves and given them the confidence they need to interact socially with others. Be affectionate with your children every day and you will be rewarded with smiles, hug and love they are sure to give you in return. Positive parenting gives your child an added advantage to compete, interact and be a fruitful member of the society.