Avivo Health Group’s medical centres and facilities are highly recognized for their expertise and advanced diagnostic evaluation and assessment, and medical and surgical treatment procedures and services for patients with health concerns associated with head, neck, ear, nose and throat.

Our Department of ENT Surgery focuses on the surgical treatment and management of ENT related disorders, performed by our specialists ENT Surgeons, trained to provide conventional and comprehensive surgical care to our patients.

ENT Surgery helps to treat injuries, diseases and disorders that are recurrent, painful and debilitating, compromising the normal functioning of senses, and specifically need surgical procedures to be managed. Some of these conditions are:

General and Preventive Dentistry

AVIVO Group Dental Department has revolutionised dental care with its professionalism and quality. It offers a contemporary approach to dentistry in a soothing and aesthetic environment. A complete range of treatments is delivered by highly qualified and experienced dental professional.  Preventive dentistry is a major focus area at the Reem Dental Department. Preventive Treatment Programme facilitates improvement and maintenance of gums, relief from tooth sensitivity, fluoride treatment and tooth sealants and patient education on oral care.

Dental Department at Reem Specialists Medical Centre – Rolla and Reem Al Nadha Medical & Diagnostic Centre – Al Nadha houses one of the most advanced dental treatment facility for:

Cosmetic Dentistry:

Tooth coloured fillings for chipped, slightly uneven teeth, porcelain veneers for discoloured, rotated teeth and teeth whitening.


Scaling and polishing of teeth along with gingival surgery to treat chronic gum problems like periodontitis and gingival recession.

Restorative and Endodontics:

Minimal cavity preparation and restoration for decayed teeth, root canal treatment with advanced Rotary Endodontics for painful teeth helps preserve the natural dentition.

Pediatric Dentistry:

Habit breaking appliances for thumb sucking and tongue thrusting, early detection and prevention of developing malocclusion and prevention of decay through topical fluoride application.


Removable and fixed appliances to correct the malocclusion.

Prosthetic and Implant Dentistry:

Replacement of missing teeth is done through various means including removable dentures, cast metal dentures, fixed ceramic bridges, metal and porcelain crowns.

Comprehensive Dental Care Services are offered from the following centres of AVIVO Group:

Primary Healthcare Clinics

Ear Problems like Recurrent ear infections,

 Deviated Septum (a condition whereby one of the patient’s nostrils has grown bigger compared with the other because the wall between the nostrils is off-centred) and frequent sinus infections.

Throat Conditions like extreme difficulty and pain with swallowing, Vocal Cord Disorders and Tonsillitis.

Head and Neck cancerous or non-cancerous tumours and traumatic injuries to the face.

Our ENT Specialists and Surgeons perform Minor Surgeries to highly complex surgeries, ensuring effective treatment for all kinds of disorders that the patients’ experience. Some of these are listed below but are not limited to:


Adenoidectomy is the surgical removal of adenoid glands. Adenoid glands are a lump of tissue located behind the nasal cavity and at the roof of the mouth. Adenoids act as a part of the immune system, protecting a human body from the risks of viruses and bacteria. Sometimes these adenoids get chronically infected, characterized by inflammation and enlargement, causing a partial blockage in the patient’s airways.

Enlarged and infected adenoids have seen to be the cause of multiple ENT diseases hence, adenoidectomy becomes important to remove the adenoid glands and treat the associated conditions.


Tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure performed with an aim to remove infected tonsils (two small glands found at the back of a person’s throat) that swell and causes sore throat. The swallowed tonsils characterizing tonsillitis causes extreme trouble during swallowing with a range of other associated conditions hence, calling for the process of tonsillectomy.

Myringotomy and Grommet Insertion

Myringotomy is a procedure whereby a small surgical incision is made in a person’s eardrum to gain access to the middle ear. The incision allows the fluid in the middle ear to get drained and relieve all the build-up pressure.

For conditions like a recurrent ear infection and constant fluid accumulation, small ventilation tubes known as grommets are inserted inside the incision. This allows for easy drainage of ear fluids and efficient airflow.

Myringoplasty and Tympanoplasty

Surgical procedures like Myringoplasty and Tympanoplasty are performed to seal the hole that has been formed in a person’s eardrum. Surgically closing the hole prepares for effective prevention against ear infections and contributes towards an enhanced sense of hearing.

During the procedure, our surgeons carefully place a graft (a tiny piece of living tissue, vein, bone or cartilage) inside the hole, which will come out on itself as the ear cavity heals.

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS)

Sinusitis is a common chronic disease that causes the swelling and thickness of sinuses developing symptoms of facial pain, decreased senses, drainage and congestion. Our surgeons recommend Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery for the management of said chronic symptoms. The goal of FESS is to enlarge the sinuses’ drainage pathways through endoscopes and eventually preventing the accumulation of pus and mucus in the lining of the sinuses.

Septoplasty and Turbinate Reduction

Nasal blockages caused by deviated septum are treated by a Septoplasty Surgery. During Septoplasty, a surgeon will reshape or straighten the bent septum; bone and cartilage.

Sometimes Turbinate Reduction accompanies the procedure of Septoplasty where blockages caused by enlarged turbinates are treated.


Our ENT Surgeons perform biopsies in which they remove a small sample of tissues or cells from the target area to aid in the evaluation of the nature of the disease and the extent of progression. Our surgeons might perform biopsies on areas like mouth, tongue, gums, lips, thyroid, glands and lymph nodes to test for tumours and their malignancy.

Examination of Benign Vocal Cord Lesions through Microlaryngoscopy

Our ENT Surgeons are specialized experts to treat vocal cord injuries. Benign vocal cord lesions are formed in parts of the vocal cord that are overused, leading to irritation. These lesions represent scarring and non-cancerous growth of cells.

Microlaryngoscopy is an extensive and detailed surgical examination procedure to detect vocal cord lesions. During this procedure, our surgeons examine the patient’s vocal cord through an instrument called the laryngoscope. Sometimes Microlaryngoscopy is accompanied by a biopsy where the surgeon removes a small sample of the vocal cord tissues.

Other Services

Our ENT Surgeons also perform other complex surgeries to treat thyroid diseases, tumours and abscesses in the head and neck and other diseases that concern any minor or major structure of the head, neck, ear, nose and throat.

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